Water is one of the resources whose management is increasingly relevant, both for reasons of sustainability and efficient use, as well as for the impacts resulting from climate change, which impose the need to develop new models to optimize the use of this resource. As a result of the digital transformation that has also been happening in the agricultural sector, the use of information systems and technologies that support, in the field and in the office, agricultural entrepreneurs in the production of actionable management information is today an unavoidable reality and unquestionably one of the responses to the challenge identified above. It is in this context that SIIPRA - Integrated Information System for the Irrigation Perimeters of Alentejo is positioned, aiming to support the managers of these infrastructures and irrigators, delivering information to support the planning and management of irrigated agriculture developed there.


It is an Integrated Information System for Alentejo Irrigation Perimeters developed by Agri-Ciência in collaboration with ABORO. It consists of a WEB information system that allows beneficiaries to obtain information in real time regarding the irrigation perimeter where they are inserted and also on their own parcels.


It was developed based on a need identified by ABORO that needed to better manage the information of the perimeter and its farmers as well as to support beneficiaries in the management of an increasingly important resource in the agricultural context of Alentejo.

In the first phase of the project, which took place between 1999 and 2002, functionalities were developed mainly with the objective of improving the management of the irrigation perimeter.

Subsequently, the following versions of the application allowed, in a generic way, to manage the use of irrigation water and all related information, including the areas irrigated, beneficiaries, crops, supply, parcel, etc.


SIIPRA has been updated and improved over the years  in order to adapt its operation to current requirements, integrating new features, such as the smartphone application designed to process water supplies made in the gravity system.

This year with a new Web and Mobile version for Android and iOS, not only ABORO but all farmers can access parameters related to the use of water in the perimeter and in their plots, make their annual registrations, access to management tools documentary and culture accounts typified for different cultures.


SIIPRA currently integrates several applications / interfaces / tools:

ABORO Exclusive:

- Desktop application for editing, updating, management and control by ABORO.

- GIS interface (with expansion also planned for irrigators).

- Commercial management system.

- Smartphone application for processing supplies.

Also available to beneficiaries:

- WEB interface, including a public page and an intranet portal with conditional access to ABORO beneficiaries

- Android and iOS application for plot, registration and crop management.

- Dashboard of parameters used in management, including history and comparative benchmarking with the averages for each culture within the perimeter in each year in real time.


The system allows for much easier management and control that was not possible otherwise while providing beneficiaries with tools for them to have greater control over their crops with clear benefits in terms of managing their resources.

The great advantage is the real-time monitoring of the perimeter, its beneficiaries and the installed crops.


Now that the base is consolidated, it is possible to increase its scalability with the introduction of other levels of information that contribute to even more informed decision making with clear gains downstream.

It will be possible to practice 4.0 management of our irrigation system.

We are already implementing: Alert system for smartphone and smartwatch with intervals that can be configured for all parameters and for each beneficiary.

We are also working on integrating other relevant layers of information. Water is only one of these layers and its management and use is closely linked with other agri-environmental and physiological factors, so it makes sense to be able to integrate layers such as information from sensors, satellite, vegetation indexes, electrical conductivity, etc.

Community and academy involvement are also important evolutions of the platform.


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